Cold Weather Safety Tips for Pets and Livestock
Winter brings freezing temperatures, icy conditions, and harsh weather that can put both pets and livestock at risk. Proper care and preparation can help keep

Preparing for Cattle Breeding: Soundness Exams and Pregnancy Checks
Breeding cattle isn’t just about pairing a bull with a cow and hoping for the best. It’s a careful, calculated process that requires preparation, knowledge,

The Benefits of Ultrasonic Dental Cleaning for Pets
Imagine your pet having fresh breath and a healthy smile without any discomfort. Pet dental hygiene is often overlooked, yet it is crucial for their

Keeping Your Pets Safe from Household Dangers
Poison Prevention Week: Keeping Your Pets Safe from Household Dangers Every year, Poison Prevention Week marks an important reminder for pet owners to review and

Welcome To Ord Animal Clinic
In the heart of Ord and the surrounding areas, there’s a place that has been a reliable source of care and comfort for pets and animals alike for over seven decades.